1. Immunoexpression of the cannabinoid CB2 receptor protein in canine benign and malignant mammary tumours
inne publikacje [AUT.] Kamila Bulak, [AUT.] Wojciech Łopuszyński, [AUT.] Anna Śmiech, [AUT.] Marek Szczubiał. W: 2023 Vol.203, Abstracts of the Annual Congress of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology and European College of Veterinary Pathologists, September 7–10, 2022, Athens, Greece, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY 2023, s. 73, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2023.03.114
2. Topoisomerase II alpha immunoexpression as a potential predictor of doxorubicin-based chemotherapy in dogs with visceral haemangiosarcoma
inne publikacje [AUT.] Wojciech Łopuszyński, [AUT.] Kamila Bulak, [AUT.] Anna Śmiech. W: 2023 Vol.203, Abstracts of the Annual Congress of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology and European College of Veterinary Pathologists, September 7–10, 2022, Athens, Greece, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY 2023, s. 74-75, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2023.03.119



4. Application of two dimensional electrophoresis and immunohistochemistry for detection of protein deglycase DJ-1 overexpression in canine lymphoma
inne publikacje [AUT.] Anna Kycko , [AUT.] Michał Reichert , [AUT.] Wojciech Łopuszyński, [AUT.] Anna Śmiech. W: 2019 Vol.166, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY 2019, s. 127, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2018.10.088
5. Value of p40 and p63 markers in the diagnosis of canine complex mammary tumours
inne publikacje [AUT.] Kamila Bulak, [AUT.] Wojciech Łopuszyński, [AUT.] Anna Śmiech, [AUT.] Marek Szczubiał, [AUT.] Adam Brzana . W: 2019 Vol.166, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY 2019, s. 129, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2018.10.092
6. Equine pituitary pars intermedia adenoma: Clinicopathological findings
inne publikacje [AUT.] Wojciech Łopuszyński, [AUT.] Kamila Bulak, [AUT.] Anna Łojszczyk-Szczepaniak, [AUT.] Witold Krupski , [AUT.] B. Jarosz , [AUT.] Teresa Karpińska . W: 2019 Vol.166, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY 2019, s. 138, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2018.10.124
7. Evaluation of serum acute phase protein concentrations in dogs with circumanal gland tumours
artykuł [AUT. KOR.] Urszula Lisiecka, [AUT.] Katarzyna Dudek , [AUT.] Adam Brodzki, [AUT.] Krzysztof Kostro, [AUT.] Marcin Czop , [AUT.] Piotr Brodzki. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY 2019 T. 171 s. 12-18, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2019.06.007


8. Increased Expression of Basic Transcription Factor-3 in Canine Lymphoma Revealed by Two-dimensional Electrophoresis
inne publikacje [AUT.] Anna Kycko , [AUT.] Michał Reichert , [AUT.] Wojciech Łopuszyński, [AUT.] Anna Śmiech. W: 2018 Vol.158, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY 2018, s. 114, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2017.10.059


9. Mitochondrial D-Loop mutation and polymorphisms can be detected in canine mast cell tumours
inne publikacje [AUT.] Anna Śmiech, [AUT.] Brygida Ślaska, [AUT.] Magdalena Surdyka , [AUT.] Wojciech Łopuszyński, [AUT.] Paweł Klimiuk , [AUT.] Dorota Różańska. W: 2016 Vol.154 Issue 1, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY 2016, s. 109, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2015.10.130
10. Mutations and polymorphisms in the hypervariable region of mitochondrial DNA in canine mammary cancer
inne publikacje [AUT.] Magdalena Surdyka , [AUT.] Brygida Ślaska, [AUT.] Anna Śmiech. W: 2016 Vol.154 Issue 1, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY 2016, s. 109, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2015.10.131
11. Post-mortem estimation of time of death by kidney versus anal temperature measurements
inne publikacje [AUT.] Piotr Listos, [AUT.] Wojciech Łopuszyński, [AUT.] Magdalena Gryzińska, [AUT.] Jacek Piórkowski, [AUT.] Anna Śmiech, [AUT.] Paweł Klimiuk , [AUT.] Grzegorz Teresiński , [AUT.] Grzegorz Buszewicz , [AUT.] A. Panecka , [AUT.] Zbigniew Nozdryn-Płotnicki. W: 2016 Vol.154 Issue 1, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY 2016, s. 87, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2015.10.069



14. The Expression of P63 and Calponin in Canine Mammary Tumours: Histogenetic and Prognostic Considerations
inne publikacje [AUT.] Wojciech Łopuszyński, [AUT.] Hanna Kuczyńska, [AUT.] Yolanda Millan , [AUT.] Silvia Guil-Luna , [AUT.] Raquel Sanchez-Céspedes , [AUT.] J. Martín de las Mulas . W: 2009 Vol.141 Iss. 4, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY 2009, s. 296, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2009.08.075
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