2. Vehicle coast-down method as a tool for calculating total resistance for the purposes of type-approval fuel consumption
artykuł [AUT.] Branislav Sarkan , [AUT.] Tomas Skrúcaný , [AUT.] Stefania Semanova , [AUT.] Radovan Madleňák , [AUT.] Andrzej Kuranc, [AUT.] Marie Sejkorova , [AUT.] Jacek Caban. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology-Series Transport 2018 T. 98 s. 161-172, DOI: 10.20858/sjsutst.2018.98.15
3. Teeth geometry and contact pressure calculation of external cycloidal gears
artykuł [AUT.] František Brumerčik , [AUT.] Michal Lukac , [AUT.] Maros Majchrak , [AUT.] Zbigniew Krzysiak, [AUT.] Leszek Krzywonos . Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology-Series Transport 2018 T. 101 s. 27-35, DOI: 10.20858/sjsutst.2018.101.3
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