1. Antioxidant potential of sweet pepper extract and its combination with other plant extracts
inne publikacje [AUT.] Małgorzata Materska, [AUT.] Barbara Chilczuk. W: 2019 Inovine Conferences : Proceedings of World Congress on Food Science and Technology, July 15-17 Rome, Italy, OA Journal of Food and Nutrition 2019, s. 18, DOI: 10.33118/food.2019.07.15
2. Influence of the way of plant extracts preparation on their antioxidative potential
inne publikacje [AUT.] Barbara Chilczuk, [AUT.] Małgorzata Materska. W: 2019 Inovine Conferences : Proceedings of World Congress on Food Science and Technology, July 15-17 Rome, Italy, OA Journal of Food and Nutrition 2019, s. 44, DOI: 10.33118/food.2019.07.15
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