1. Allometric relations between fluvial impulse and morphometric parameters of floodplain lakes
artykuł [AUT.] Beata Ferencz, [AUT.] Jarosław Dawidek . HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 2016 T. 30 Nr 4 s. 534-542, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10618


2. Intensity of in-lake processes in floodplain lakes within the Bug River zone of fluvial activity
artykuł [AUT.] Jarosław Dawidek , [AUT.] Beata Ferencz. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 2014 T. 228 Nr 24 s. 5965-5971, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10094


3. Modelling of hydrogeochemical potential of three lake catchments in Polesie region (Eastern Poland)
artykuł [AUT.] Jarosław Dawidek , [AUT.] Beata Ferencz, [AUT.] Wojciech Sobolewski . HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 2013 T. 27 Nr 12 s. 1773, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9333
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