Genetyczne parametry życiowych cech mleczności krów rasy czarno-białej w regionie środkowo-wschodniej Polski (Genetic parameters of life dairy traits in cows of black and white breed in central-eastern Poland)


Genetic parameters of some life dairy features of 3700 bw cows after 548 bulls from 224 herds were estimated. The mean life and performance lengths of cows were 6.42 and 4.10 years and life dairy and fat efficiencies – 16945 and 676 kg, respectively, at 3.99% fat content in milk. A multi-feature individual model with REML method, which also fitted the regression on the first lactation milk yield was used for the estimation of genetical life parameters of dairy traits (Misztal, 2001). The lowest heritability was observed for life lengths (h2=0.04), slightly higher for life milk (h2=0.19) and fat (h2=0.22) and milk FCM efficiency (h2=0.21). It was proved that positive and high phenotypical interdependencies (from 0.90 to 0.91) as well as positive but lower genetical correlations (rG from 0.62 to 0.65) took place between life lengths and life milk and fat, and milk FCM efficiencies. Moreover, it was proved that there were very high genetical and phenotypical dependencies for life milk and fat and milk FCM efficiencies (rG=0.95 and rp=0.99). The calculated indicators of phenotypic correlations between milk, fat and FCM efficiency in cows during the first lactation and their milk, fat and FCM life efficiency levels, life span and length of utilisation period were very low and statistically non-significant and in most of the cases they were negative. However, the level of phenotypic coefficients of correlation between these features was systematically increasing in the consecutive lactation periods and their highest and statistically significant values (from 0.47 to 0.67) were noted during the sixth lactation.


Tomasz Małyska
Tomasz Małyska
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio EE Zootechnica
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