The impact of selected genetic and environmental factors on length of use of pulawska breed sows (Oddziaływanie wybranych czynników genetycznych i środowiskowych na długość użytkowania loch rasy puławskiej)


The aim of this analysis was to determine the influence of selected genetic and environmental factors on length of use of breed pulawska sows. The research included a family group,genotype of ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1), meat content, backfat thickness, increases daily and the average number of left and right teats. The study was performed in a multiparous sows, coming from eight farm in the Lublin area, which in 2005–2011 were included in the maintenance breeding. Data were collected by analysis of zootechnical documentation and conducting of base measurements and direct observation. The study allowed us to demonstrate the correlation between the length of use of sows pulawska breed, the family and a group from which it came. Genotype ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1) proved to be a factor significantly influencing the longevity of sows. The results also confirm the influence of conformation, fat thickness and the rate of accumulation of the parameters analyzed. It also showed that the length of use the sows was determined by using the average number of left and right nipple.


Ewa Skrzypczak
Ewa Skrzypczak
Robert Cichocki
Robert Cichocki
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio EE Zootechnica
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