The aim of thestudy was to comparethe profitability ofpig productionof twobreeds:the Polish Landrace (PWL)andthe Pulawska
kept at a family farm. The analysis includedindicators of reproductive performanceof sowsand the parameters of
attening and slaughter value.The data included the production offattening pigsat the farm in the years 2010–2012. The
analysis performedndicate thatprofitability offatteningpigs of the Polish Landracebreed compared to the Pulawska breed
was variable. It has been shownthat regardless of theperiod of the production ofporkers a lower profitwas obtained
from the sows of the Pulawska breedas compared to the Polish Landrace.This result was influenced by lower ratios
of reproduction sowsof the Pulawskabreed,and higher feed consumption, lower weight gainsand lower meat content
in the carcass of porkers raised from them.