Wpływ zastosowania preparatu Calcorium Liquide na wielkość i jakość plonu pietruszki korzeniowej (Petroselinum crispum ssp. tuberosum) (Effect of Calcorium Liquide on the quality and quantity of Hamburg parsley (Petroselinum crispum ssp. tuberosum) yield)


The aim of the study was to determine the effect of Calcorium Liquide on the yield quality and quantity of three Hamburg parsley cultivars: Vistula, Kinga, Sonata. The experiment was carried out in Żurawniki, commune Lipnik, Świętokrzyskie province. Calcorium Liquide was applied on parsley plants at 8–9 leaves stage, in the dose of 1.5 l · ha-1. The application of the Calcorium Liquide increased the number of plants at harvest, the yield of leaves and roots, the marketable yield and the share of the marketable in the total yield. Calcorium Liquide contributed to an increasing share of 21–60 mm diameter roots and contributed to a decreased share of very large (>70 mm in diameter) and small roots (<20 mm diameter). Non-marketable yield of Hamburg parsley sprayed with Calcorium Liquide was lower, mainly due to a decrease in the yield of bifurcated and very large roots. Calcorium Liquide had no significant effect on the yield of roots with disease symptoms, split, damaged by pests or small roots. The effect of Calcorium Liquide on the total yield of leaves and roots, the structure of the total and marketable yield, the nonmarketable yield, bifurcated, the yield of split and small roots with disease symptoms in the studied cultivars was different.


Aneta Stawiarz
Aneta Stawiarz
Annales Horticulturae
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