Static weighing of vehicles - the crux of the pressures, on the axles and road safety


Weighing of road vehicles using static platform weights is as important as weight control of vehicles in motion. Overloading of cargo vehicles is increasingly common in occurrence. Such vehicles cause significant wear of road infrastructure, effect of which may cause reduced safety of road traffic. Amongst others, the improper loading of vehicles is the cause of direct overloading or unequal load distribution on the axles. Institutions and official services supervising cargo vehicles and loading are endeavouring to reduce the incidence of vehicle overloading and improper loading by providing clear rules and guidelines. Technical requirements set for road freight vehicles must be met and the effectiveness of these is reviewed by organs created for this task, such as the Main Inspectorate of Road Transport. Authorized inspectors performing control measurements of each axle on a static weight direct the vehicle to a specially prepared measurement area where the said vehicle is excluded from traffic. To ensure road surface quality the state issues fines on firms which to not meet the requirements set for road transport vehicles, in certain circumstances, to guarantee road safety, temporary exclusion of road transport from traffic is imposed, e.g. in times of elevated temperature. However, it can be observed that such methods are not sufficient to reduce the number of overloaded vehicles on the Polish roads. The article describes the events having a deteriorating effect on the road infrastructure as well as requirements set for road vehicles. The problem of overloaded vehicles on the Polish roads, methods of verification of such and the consequences of these are discussed displaying the extent of the problem.


Agnieszka Szokało
Agnieszka Szokało
Journal of KONES
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