Attitudes of life sciences students towards farm animal welfare issues (Postawy studentów kierunków przyrodniczych wobec dobrostanu zwierząt gospodarskich)


The aim of this study was to examine the knowledge and opinions about farm animal welfare (FAW) aspects amongst 199 students of various faculties (Animal Husbandry, Biology, Environmental Protection, Science of Commodities) at the University of Life Sciences in south-eastern Poland. The study was conducted during a face-to-face interview using a self-designed questionnaire consisting of 11 questions. The greatmajority of respondents, regardless of the degree programme, marked the appropriate definition of animal welfare, confirming that a high level of FAW provides better quality of animals’ life. The survey showed inconsistency of stu-dents’ attitudes towards some species, which can be related to various levels and range of animal welfare education in the curricula of particular fa culties. Animal Husbandry and Science of Com-modities students evaluated horses (p = 0.0005) and dairy cattle (p = 0.04) welfare significantly higher than other student groups and it is probably due to their more specific knowledge about the production/use of particular farm species. This response suggests that life sciences students reflect a relatively high degree of knowledge concerning animal welfare issues. However, there are some areas where FAW education should be improved regard ing behaviour and welfare issues of partic-ular groups of farm animals. Moreover, the survey on students’ attitudes can be helpful for ade-quate development of education contents in the programmes of particular faculties.


Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio EE Zootechnica
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