The occurrence of hot weather in the Lublin-Felin and Czesławice in relation to atmospheric circulation (1966-2010)


The occurrence of hot weather in the Lublin-Felin and Czesławice in relation to atmospheric circulation (1966−2010). The paper describes the occurrence of hot (tmax 25.1−30.0°C) and very hot days (tmax >30°C) in Lublin-Felin and Czesławice in the years 1966−2010. The analysis covers the long-term variability of such days, and duration of heat waves. Their circulation conditions were also determined, with indication of circulation types during which the probability of occurrence of hot and very hot days was the highest. In the study area, hot days occurred from April to September, and very hot days from May to August, with the highest frequency in July in both cases. In the period from 1991 to 2010, a considerably higher number of cases of very hot days were recorded than in the 1970s and 1980s. Moreover, they occurred in increasingly long sequences, contributing to more frequent occurrence of unfavourable thermal and humid conditions during the growing season of plants. The highest probability of occurrence of hot and very hot days was determined for circulation types with airflow from the southern sector, and the lowest from the northern sector. Should the upward trend in the frequency of very hot days continue, the risk of the effect of such unfavourable thermal conditions on the health and well-being of tourists and patients of the health resort in Nałęczów will also increase


Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences -SGGW. Land Reclamation
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