The effect of sulphur and nickel interaction on micronutrient content in Triticum aestivum L.


Excessive amounts of Ni alter the micronutrients status of plants. In turn, S not only plays a pivotal role in plant growth but is also involved in enhancing stress tolerance. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Ni and S on the micronutrients status in spring wheat. Three S-sulphate levels (2-standard, 6, and 9 mM) and four Ni treatments (0, 0.0004, 0.04, and 0.08 mM) in Hoagland’s nutrient solution were applied for 2 weeks. Ni excess at the standard S level generally reduced Mn, Mo, and Zn as well as increased Cl content in roots and shoots, reduced shoot B content without changes in the root content of this element, whilst Fe and Cu content rose in roots and decreased in shoots. The translocation of Fe and Cu from roots to shoots was repressed, but that of Mo was enhanced. The Mn and Zn translocation depended on Ni concentration, while that of B and Cl remained unaffected. Intensive S nutrition of Ni-exposed wheat, as a rule, elevated root and shoot Fe, B, Cl, Mn, and Zn content and increased root Cu content. Simultaneously, various changes in Fe, Cu, Mn, Mo, and Zn translocation were found. Our results imply that intensive S nutrition can effectively improve the micronutrient status in wheat hampered by Ni.


Acta Agrophysica
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