Floral food-rewards of Bulbophyllum range from nectar to protein-rich mucilage and lipid-rich labellar secretions. For the first time, the structure of the labellum and the secretory process are investigated for four African Bulbophyllum species. The most specialized type of labellar organization occurred in B. schinzianum, the deep, narrow, median longitudinal groove consisting of palisade-like secretory cells flanked by trichomes containing lipid droplets, and the copious secretion containing sugar. This groove was absent or poorly defined, shallow and wide, in the remaining taxa, the scant secretion containing lipid. All taxa possessed a striate cuticle lacking cracks and pores, and micro-channels were present, cuticular blisters occurring only in B. schinzianum. The labellum contained storage parenchyma (B. lupulinum) or mesophyll-like parenchyma (B. schinzianum), but in section Megaclinium (B. falcatum and B. maximum), these were replaced by aerenchyma. In B. schinzianum, the form of the labellar groove, sweet fragrance and sugary secretion suggest pollination by Hymenoptera, the food-reward and fragrance indicating that pseudocopulation is unlikely. Conversely, the form of the labellum of taxa having smaller flowers, and the lipid-rich secretion, suggests pollination by small flies. The labellar aerenchyma may facilitate this process or even aid wind-assisted pollination. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179, 266–287.