Varieties, seeding standards and crop protection as factors affecting the content of microelements in spelt winter wheat (triticum aestivum ssp.spelta L.) rain


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of crop protection and seeding standards on the contents of microelements (iron, zinc, manganese, copper, nickel, cadmium, lead) in grain of two spelt varieties: Polish ‘Rokosz’ and German ‘Schwabenspelz’. The field experiment was conducted in Czesławice in 2014–2015 at the Experimental University of Life Sciences in Lublin. Experiments were established on lessive soil developed from loess classified to II bonitation class. Material for analysis consisted of winter spelt grain. Three factors were compared during the study: first factor – winter spelt varieties, second factor – two seeding standards, third factor – crop protection. The content of four micronutrients: iron, manganese, zinc and copper in winter spelt grain was differentiated by varietal factor. Compared varieties did not differentiate the amount of nickel in winter spelt grain. The ‘Schwabenpeltz’ cv. was more abundant than ‘Rokosz’ cv., which was mainly due to clearly higher iron concentration in the grains of German variety. The weight ratio of Fe : Mn in winter spelt grain of ‘Schwabenspelz’ cv. was 2.7, which may indicate a lack of manganese while excess of iron. Increasing the plant density resulted in a statistically proven reduction of iron, manganese and zinc contents in winter spelt grain, and it had no effect on abundance of spelt grain with respect to copper and nickel. The results obtained in the experiment showed no significant effect of the crop protection method on microelements contents in winter spelt grain with the exception of copper. The use of herbicides at increased rate reduced the amount of copper below 3 mg Cu ⋅ kg–1 DM.


Folia Pomeranae Universitatis Technologiae Stetinensis
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