Criteria for buying organic food by consumers from different regions of Poland


The main criterion for buying organic food by modern societies is caring for health and natural environment. The aim of the study was to determine the attitude towards organic food of residents from different regions of Poland, differentiated in terms of their wealth. The effort was made to determine the types, motives and barriers that influence consumers’ choices when buying organic food.A method of diagnostic survey with author’s research tool in a form of survey questionnaire was used in the study. The sample consisted of 1,102 respondents. The Statistica 10.1 PL program was used for statistical analysis, including the analysis of discriminant function and x2 test.It was shown that when choosing organic food, consumers paid attention to its nutritional and health properties. Fresh vegetables and their products, cow’s milk and its products, honey and potatoes were the most often purchased products. The main barrier for consumers when buying organic food was its high price, whereas the most important motive was the lack of harmful substances in such products. There were significant differences in calculated values between consumers from particular regions, especially in the case of barriers associated with the purchase of organic food.


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