The attitude of polish society living in rural and urban areas towards renewable energy sources


The aim of the study was to determine the attitude of Polish society towards renewable en-ergy sources and identify the benefits posed by activates that use renewable energy sources. A method of diagnostic survey was applied, conducting the study on the representative sam-ple of 1,067 respondents. The Statistica 10.1 GB program and the analysis of discriminant function were used in statistical analysis.It was shown that inhabitants of rural areas and small towns up to 30,000 residents were to the highest extent interested in renewable energy sources. Mainly, they saw the future in solar-powered devices to obtain the energy from renewable sources. Additionally, this group of respondents at the highest level was committed to protecting natural environment through the use of renewable energy sources. The main barriers to the use of renewable energy sources were the lack of mechanisms to support the reduction of energy intensity of the Polish economy, the increase of energy prices due to the lack of competition in the fuel wholesale market and the exploited transmission network.The main benefits of the use of renewable energy sources are nature protection and savings associated with this kind of energy.


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