Use of artificial intelligence methods for investigating purchase preferences of clients of organic farms


The organic food market is one of the most developing food markets both in Poland and in the world. In 2002-2010 the value of organic food market in the world increased by 23 billion. Dynamic development of the organic food market is related to a great demand for organic food, particularly in the European Union. In Poland, the organic food market is changing as a result of the increase of the demand for organic food which is preconditioned with changes in the consumers’ likes concerning the food quality and with changes in the value systems: global, instrumental or those related to the product. Meeting the changing consumers’ expectations, which are more complex with regard not only to the product but also to its attributes, becomes an inseparable element and places even new challenges before the developing organic food market. Therefore, the further development of the Polish organic food market requires recognition of determiners which shape the demand of organic products, including changes of consumers’ lifestyles and changes of their significance and expectations concerning the production, distribution and consumption. The objective of this paper was to know consumers’ preferences concerning organic food. The survey was carried out in the form of a guided survey on the purposefully selected sample of 180 people from the region of southern Poland. The respondents were asked about the sources of finding information on organic food, motives of selecting organic food, place of purchase of organic food, properties of organic food taken into consideration at the purchase and requirements which organic food has to meet; age, education and place of residence were the division criteria. The artificial intelligence methods were used for statistical description.


Maciej Kuboń
Maciej Kuboń
Maciej Sporysz
Maciej Sporysz
inne publikacje
Referat zjazdowy konferencji międzynarodowej
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM
2017 Vol. 17 Iss. 52
s. 1099-1106