Water mites (Acari, Hydrachnidia) of riparian springs in a small lowland river valley: what are the key factors for species distribution?


This paper examines the impact of disturbance factors flooding and intermittency on the distribution of water mites in the riparian springs situated in the valley of a small lowland river, the Krąpiel. The landscape factors and physicochemical parameters of the water were analysed in order to gain an understanding of the pattern of water mite assemblages in the riparian springs. Three limnological types of springs were examined (helocrenes, limnocrenes and rheocrenes) along the whole course of the river and a total of 35 water mite species were found. Our study shows that flooding influences spring assemblages, causing a decrease in crenobiontic water mites in flooded springs. The impact of intermittency resulted in a high percentage of species typical of temporary water bodies. Surprisingly, the study revealed the positive impact of the anthropogenic transformation of the river valley: preventing the riparian springs from flooding enhances the diversity of crenobiontic species in non-flooded springs. In the conclusion, our study revealed that further conservation strategies for the protection of the riparian springs along large rivers would take into account ongoing climatic changes and possible the positive impact of the anthropogenic transformation of river valleys.


Andrzej Zawal
Andrzej Zawal
Paweł Buczyński
Paweł Buczyński
Joanna Pakulnicka
Joanna Pakulnicka
Aleksandra Bańkowska
Aleksandra Bańkowska
Tomasz Czernicki
Tomasz Czernicki
Katarzyna Janusz
Katarzyna Janusz
Agnieszka Szlauer-Łukaszewska
Agnieszka Szlauer-Łukaszewska
Vladimir Pešić
Vladimir Pešić
otwarte czasopismo
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