Response of spring wheat to NPK and S fertilization. The content and uptake of macronutrients and the value of ionic ratios


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) fertilizers on the content and uptake of macronutrients by grain dry mass (DM) of spring wheat. A field experiment was conducted in southeastern Poland on Cambisols (WRB 2007), in conditions of low S content in the soil. The experiment included 2 factors: fertilization with N (0, 40, 80, 120 kg ha-1) and with S (0, 50 kg ha-1). The experiment showed a positive response of spring wheat to N and S fertilization. The highest grain yield was found after application of 80 kg N ha-1 and addition of 50 kg S ha-1 (5.43 t ha-1). The described combination resulted in beneficial content of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca) (P –4.267, K–4.533, Mg–1.567, Ca–0.433 g kg-1) and uptake of macroelements by grain dry mass (DM) (P–20.48, K–21.79, Mg–7.52, Ca–2.08 kg ha-1). A generally positive correlation was found between content and uptake of macronutrients with exception of P content. Fertilization with N caused significantly narrowed mass ratios of K+: Ca2+, K+: Mg2+ and mass and mole ratio of K+:(Ca2++Mg2+) and increased mass ratio of Ca:P. While S application narrowed significantly, mass ratios of K+:Ca2+ and K+: (Ca2+ + Mg2+) and increased mass ratio of Ca:P.


Marek Marks
Marek Marks
Bożena Barczak
Bożena Barczak
Anna Podleśna
Anna Podleśna
Janusz Podleśny
Janusz Podleśny
Open Chemistry
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