Effects of the environs of waterbodies on aquatic plants in oxbow lakes (habitat 3150)


Small waterbodies and oxbow lakes play an important role as hotspots of biodiversity and landscape diversity, supplying a range of ecosystem services. However, they are at risk of disappearing. Thus, there is a need for the threats to their existence to be recognised. In this study we aimed to determine whether land uses within small and larger areas around these waterbodies, combined with selected two abiotic factors (pH, conductivity), affect the “characteristic combination of macrophytes” which is the main indicator of status conservation of such waterbodies. We surveyed 113 Polish oxbow lakes within the floodplains of 16 rivers. Based on ordination analysis (NMDS db-RDA) we found significant differences in the conservation status of macrophyte assemblages between waterbodies with arable land close by and those with woody and shrub vegetation; also affecting the conservation status of the aquatic plant assemblages were meadows, forests, and water pH. For larger environs the conservation status of the aquatic plant assemblages was affected by land use types (urban, mines and excavations, meadows, forests) and by water pH. Our findings prove that conservation programs of oxbow lakes, ponds and small waterbodies should be based on protection and preservation of their immediate and larger surroundings, as well.


Elżbieta Wilk-Woźniak
Elżbieta Wilk-Woźniak
Edward Walusiak
Edward Walusiak
Lubomira Burchardt
Lubomira Burchardt
Sławomir Cerbin
Sławomir Cerbin
Damian Chmura
Damian Chmura
Maciej Gąbka
Maciej Gąbka
Katarzyna Glińska-Lewczuk
Katarzyna Glińska-Lewczuk
Ryszard Gołdyn
Ryszard Gołdyn
Magdalena Grabowska
Magdalena Grabowska
Maciej Karpowicz
Maciej Karpowicz
Piotr Klimaszyk
Piotr Klimaszyk
Andrzej Kołodziejczyk
Andrzej Kołodziejczyk
Mikolaj Kokociński
Mikolaj Kokociński
Marek Kraska
Marek Kraska
Wiesław Król
Wiesław Król
Natalia Kuczyńska-Kippen
Natalia Kuczyńska-Kippen
Beata Messyasz
Beata Messyasz
Barbara Nagengast
Barbara Nagengast
Teresa Ozimek
Teresa Ozimek
Bogna Paczuska
Bogna Paczuska
Mariusz Pełechaty
Mariusz Pełechaty
Mirosława Pietryka
Mirosława Pietryka
Ryszard Piotrowicz
Ryszard Piotrowicz
Agnieszka Pociecha
Agnieszka Pociecha
Andrzej Pukacz
Andrzej Pukacz
Dorota Richter
Dorota Richter
Janusz Żbikowski
Janusz Żbikowski