Witalność przestrzeni publicznej na tle układów przestrzennych wsi podmiejskiej (Vitality ofpublic space onthe background ofsuburban village spatial arrangement)


Vitality, in relation to public space denotes presence of users in the space, their activities and social relations. This is a basic feature defining public space and at the same time determining its significance and quality. In the article, the issue of vitality was related to two types of spatial structures of suburban villages, analyzing their impact on the quality of public spaces. The study implemented a behavioral mapping method adapted to the conditions of rural areas. Observations of various types of activities (necessary, optional, social) were carried out during irregular inspections over a period of 5 years. The research was aimed at identifying differences in the social functioning of two different types of rural spaces, i.e. Spiczyn a communal, multifunctional village with a compact development and clearly visible center and Spiczyn Colony (Kolonia) with scattered or terraced housing typical for suburban housing estate. Inspections allowed to specify the type, intensity and diversity of activities, type of users, share of optional and social behaviors in the overall number of users as well as the visitability of the public space. The results clearly indicate the impact of spatial structure of rural development on the quality of social relations in the countryside. As key factors determining the vitality of space the authors indicate: distribution and presence of service facilities, compactness promoting walkability, complex spatial arrangement along with the presence and proper development of places promoting stopping, recreation and meetings.


Studia Obszarów Wiejskich
otwarte repozytorium
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