Spatial arrangements of tourist villages: implications for the integration of residents and tourists


In assessing the sustainability of tourism development and tourism impacts on rural communities, researchers have analyzed a variety of personal, social, and economic factors. Rarely, however, have they devoted attention to the spatial characteristics of rural tourism places. Yet spatial factors may be important for quality of life and positive relationships among local residents and tourists, as suggested by the theoretical perspectives of the ‘New Urbanism.’ This concept proposes that the arrangement of the built environment influences residents’ level and quality of social interactions and their overall sense of community – an idea also relevant for communities wishing to initiate tourism development projects. Thus, the research described here asks: How do different spatial arrangements in tourist villages affect the quality of public spaces and the level of integration between locals and tourists? To address these questions, we used cartographic spatial analysis and semi-structured interviews with community residents to study 17 tourist villages in the Łęczna-Włodawa Lake District of eastern Poland. Results show that the spatial integration of residents and second home users is generally beneficial for both locals and tourists. The greatest benefit is received by residents of the smallest villages, where levels of spatial integration are the highest under moderate levels of tourism development. Spatial isolation of tourist and residential zones, as well as excessive dominance of tourism development, however, negatively impact community social relationships and reduce quality-of-life benefits. This research suggests that spatial arrangements should be considered to a greater extent in planning and managing rural tourism development.


Patricia A. Stokowska
Patricia A. Stokowska
Andrzej Tucki
Andrzej Tucki
Tourism Geographies