Karaczan argentyński, szary i turecki w hodowlach karmowych przeznaczonych dla zwierząt egzotycznych (Dubia, cinereous and turkish cockroaches in food breedings des-tined for exotic animals)


A wide range of exotic animals that appear on the market force breeders to search for and formulate a balanced diet based on fresh food – often in the form of live insects. Such feed insects include the Blattodea order which, due to its reproductive properties, can be successfully maintained in domestic feed cultures. Cockroaches are characterized by a simple body structure and lead a cryptic lifestyle. Many species distinguish a wide range of substances among which there are allergens that can negatively affect the human respiratory system. The most commonly cultivated species for feed purposes are: the Dubia cockroach (Blaptica dubia ), the Cinereous cockroach (Nauphoeta cinerea ) and the Turkish cockroach (Shelfordella lateralis ). They are distinguished by moderate breeding requirements, including nutrition, calm temperament, easy breeding and high nutritional values (protein content, fats and Ca: P ratio) with a quite low chitin content. The above-mentioned representatives of the order of cockroaches may be basic diet or its diversification with positive breeding results in exotic animals.


Michał Staniszewski
Michał Staniszewski
Bartłomiej Iwański
Bartłomiej Iwański
Łukasz Sikorski
Łukasz Sikorski
Aleksandra Łoś
Aleksandra Łoś
Nauki Przyrodnicze
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