The aim of the study was to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics, grinding, and possibility of whole seeds of Plantago psyllium (PP) and Plantago ovata (PO) application as an alternative to hydrocolloid for gluten‐free bread baking. The procedure of seeds swelling was proposed, trace elements and physical properties of seeds were determined. The grinding energy of seeds and the baking of gluten‐free bread with the addition of whole and grinded form of seeds was made. The seeds of PP and PO are a rich source of trace elements, such as zinc, manganese copper, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These seeds swell very quickly. PO swells faster at lower temperatures than PP. Grinded seeds of two types of studied Plantago can be used as substitutes for hydrocolloids, they caused a considerable increase in the gluten‐free dough yield (from 200 to 240%) and beneficially affected the texture of the crumb.