In view of the extremely important role of wetlands, an attempt was made to determine the state of preservation of peat forming processes as a condition for the proper functioning of those areas. By addressing this question, we hoped to determine whether the peat bogs and mires of the Łęczna-Włodawa Plain currently act as carbon sources. The aim of the present study was to compare the ash content and the contents of selected macro- and micronutrients in the deposits. The research was carried out in the years 2010-2013 and covered eight peatland areas (three mid-field and five mid-forest peatlands). The ash content, as well as the content of biogens, and selected macro- and micronutrients of the studied deposits varied and depended on the type of the deposit forming a given layer. In all the studied deposits, the carbon content was high, especially in the transitional Sedge-Sphagnum peat and the raised pine peat. The marsh layers, in relation to the studied peat minerals and gyttja, were characterized by a lower carbon content, and the restriction of C:N and N:P ratios. In all the studied peat bogs, located in the Łęczna-Włodawa Plain, the accumulation phase dominated, so they do not act as carbon suppliers.