Study of the effects of applying a new algorithm for the comprehensive programming of the hierarchization of land consolidation and exchange works in Poland


Land consolidation and exchange works have a significant influence on improving the spatial structure of rural areas in Poland. With regard to the fact that different rural areas in Poland are characterized by distinct spatial and technical parameters, as well as legal and land ownership status, a number of studies and analyses concerning the selection of the optimum features describing the specific area must be carried out. Long-term studies made it possible to develop a universal algorithm for comprehensive programming of the hierarchization of land consolidation and exchange works irrespective of the location of the analyzed object in Poland. The two-pronged approach proposed in the developed algorithm enables detailed evaluation of the structure of farms, and determination of the distribution of land owned by private farmers. The deliverables in the form of separated strongly interlinked areas, compared to the ranking of land consolidation works, make it possible to identify groups of villages where such works should be given priority. This provides a real chance of reasonable selection of areas where such works should be given priority, thanks to which funds allocated for such measures will be expended properly. The correctness of the algorithm was carried out in the commune of Mniszków in central Poland. The community is composed of 29 villages covering a total area of 12,416.0 ha. The developed algorithm for comprehensive programming of land consolidation and exchange works provides a real chance for reasonable selection of areas where such works should be carried out as a priority, thanks to which money allocated to such measures will be expended correctly. The surveys made it possible to indicate areas where defective spatial structure is the most disadvantageous. When the ranking is with information about distribution of land in the analyzed community, it will possible to identify the villages in which land consolidation should take place simultaneously. Thus, the effects of consolidation will be even more improved after liquidating the defective plot patchwork.


Monika Mika
Monika Mika
Grzegorz Oleniacz
Grzegorz Oleniacz
Krystyna Kurowska
Krystyna Kurowska