The effectiveness of real estate management in the local government - an example of voivodship capitals in Poland


The paper discusses the effectiveness of real estate management in voivodship capitalsin Poland. The time frame of analyses: 2005-2016. The main research hypothesis was made, that voivodship cities located in voivodships with a higher level of economic development, conduct more effective real estate management. The analysis was carried out in four stages: identification and measurement of the effectiveness of real estate management, assessment of cities/ordering in terms of the degree of property management efficiency, evaluation of similarity of voivodship capitals in terms of the effectiveness of their property management, identification of the direction and strength of relations between the level of property management effectiveness in capitals and the level of economic development of the voivodships. The data came from the Local Data Bank of the Polish Central Statistical Office.


Joanna Cymerman
Joanna Cymerman
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Referat zjazdowy konferencji międzynarodowej
IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering
2019 Vol. 603, Number 2
Artickle number 022006
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