Testing of lubricating properties of mixtures of diesel and RME biofuels with the addition of linoleic acid


n connection with the limited resources of fossil fuels and the reduction of emissions and stimulation of agricultural areas, a very important indication is the search for alternative fuels – biofuels. The article presents the results of testing the lubricating properties of selected fuel mixtures. The lubricity of diesel fuel (DF), DF with 7% content of methyl esters of rapeseed oil fatty acids (RME), technical linoleic acid and DF with 7% content of RME and 10% content of technical linoleic acid was tested. The research was carried out on the author's research stand in the amount of 20 dm3 of mixture. Four parameters were taken into account: mass loss of samples, the footprint area of cooperation, diameter of equivalent wheel and average value of the coefficient of friction. It has been shown that the addition of linoleic acid to diesel fuel containing RME causes a significant increase in the mass loss of the samples and the footprint area of cooperation as well as its diameter of equivalent wheel, during lubrication with such a mixture. As a result of the addition of linoleic acid, no positive results were obtained, as the lubricating properties in this case deteriorated. Therefore, it is justified to continue looking for fuel additives that will eliminate this negative effect.


Leszek Gardyński
Leszek Gardyński
Jolanta Kałdonek
Jolanta Kałdonek
The Archives of Automotive Engineering
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