Wykorzystanie świń rodzimej rasy puławskiej jako źródła wysokiej jakości surowca do wytwarzania produktów regionalnych


There is currently an increase in interest in pork of high value for processing and eating value, as well in highquality cured meat. These requirements are met by raw meat obtained from native pig breeds. The aim of the research was to analyse the quality of raw, cooked and cured meat from pigs of the Pulawska breed. The analyses showed that the physical parameters of the meat were at a level characteristic of standard quality meat, while the analysis of the chemical composition confirmed its high nutritional value. The heat-treated meat also had optimal quality parameters, which demonstrates the high eating value of raw meat obtained from Pulawska fatteners. In this regard, the most beneficial type of processing was steaming. The laboratory analyses of cured meat indicated high nutritional value in terms of protein and fat content, with a low content of table salt and trace amounts of nitrates and nitrites. Consumers pointed out the high overall quality of the products, especially their flavour.


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