This research aims to assess ornamental shrubs Ribes aureum, R. sanguineum and
Staphylea pinnata as an early food source for urban bees. In a two-year study, the abundance and flowering pattern, nectar and pollen production, and spectrum of urban insect
visitors were investigated in Lublin, SE Poland. The apiarian value of S. pinnata was studied for the first time. The studied species exhibited abundant and extended flowering,
skewed inflorescence flowering pattern, and persistent flowers and inflorescences. They
bloomed from late March to late May and could be considered as valuable early foraging
resources for urban bees, despite the substantial differences between the species. The
highest mean sugar yield and pollen yield · plant-1 (92.9 g and 44.0 g, respectively) was
estimated for S. pinnata whereas the lowest ones were found in R. sanguineum (4.3 g
and 1.8 g, respectively). Hymenopterans were the principal flower visitors in the studied
species accounting for more than 79% of all visits.