This article highlights the possibilities of using natural floodplains as a source of energy biomass. At the same time, because natural riparian meadows play an important role in proper water management, ensuring the safety of riverside areas and are ecologically valuable, the issue of the possibility of producing energy biomass in these areas was raised, which is an eco-innovative form of obtaining energy from biomass and is in line with the principles of eco-development. Due to the fact that a significant part of the riverside areas is used for agriculture, the social perception of biomass production in these areas has been studied. The issues of energy cooperatives, which may include local biomass heating plants, the issue of prosumer and net metering were also taken into account. Natural alluvial meadows, which are an important element of the water retention system, can provide feed and energy biomass. The studied group of people shows a certain tendency to become involved in energy cooperatives, however, in order to popularize civic energy, it is necessary to educate the society in this area.