Intestinal digestibility of selected minerals, growth performance and meat quality in turkeys fed diets supplemented with different sources and levels of zinc


the aim of this study was to determine whether dietary supplementation with zinc oxide nano-particles (np-zno) as a substitute for the conventional zno affects the intestinal digestibility of selected minerals, growth performance and meat quality in turkeys. the replacement of zno with np-zno had no effect on the intestinal digestibility of zn, cu, fe and ca, whereas the lowest dose of supplemental zn reduced zn digestibility. the applied inclusion levels and sources of zn had no effect on the growth performance (except the feed intake) of turkeys, including liveability. no differences in the relative weights of the heart, spleen and bursa of fabricius (except the liver), or the weights of the femur and tibia were found between the dietary treatments. neither the dose nor the source of supplemental Zn influenced carcass dressing percentage or the share of breast, thigh and drumstick muscles in the carcass. In comparison with the highest and moderate doses of zn, the lowest inclusion level of zn contributed to increased yellowness of breast meat (p=0.005). the analyzed doses and sources of supplemental zn exerted varied effects on the redox status of fresh and frozen breast meat. In conclusion, the growth performance of turkeys, carcass yield and composition as well as the redox status of fresh and frozen breast meat were generally similar, regardless of the dietary source and level of Zn. The beneficial effect of Zn addition at 100 mg/kg was improved zn and ca digestibility, and increased redness of breast meat


Kamil Otowski
Kamil Otowski
Aleksandra Drażbo
Aleksandra Drażbo
Krzysztof Kozłowski
Krzysztof Kozłowski
Annals of Animal Science
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