Analiza jakościowa i ilościowa jadłospisów oraz ocena świadomości kobiet w wieku prokreacyjnym na temat planowania ciąży


The aim of the study was to relate the knowledge of women of reproductive age on the nutritional aspects of pregnancy planning to their daily food rations subjected to qualitative and quantitative analysis. The study was conducted using the indirect survey method among women aged 22-31 years. The nutrient content in 67 daily food rations of women was analyzed using a diet program and Microsoft Excel was used for quantification. The qualitative analysis consisted in comparing the composition of meals to the principles of healthy eating in Poland. Women were highly aware of the nutritional aspects of planning pregnancy, but did not apply them in their lives. The respondents did not undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day, despite the belief that it has a beneficial effect on fertility. The presented study shows the need to disseminate information related to the influence of food and lifestyle on the fertility of women of reproductive age.


rozdział z monografii
Żywienie człowieka i dietetyka w nauce i praktyce. Redakcja naukowa / Zuzanna Goluch
Wydawnictwo Naukowe ArchaeGraph Diana Łukomiak