The idea of sustainable development in the Świdnik planning documents in context of the city natural system shaping principles


The idea of sustainable development in the Świdnik planning documents in context of the city natural system shaping principles . In accordance with the concept of sustainable de - velopment, contemporary trends in the develop - ment of urban environmental systems involve the following steps: indicating areas performing environmental functions, maintaining connec - tions between them, connecting these areas with the regional ones and subsequently with national systems of ecological structures. Completing these steps is the only way to preserve the su - stainability of ecological structures and their self- -regulating capacities, which is pivotal for con - ditions in cities that tend to change dynamically. This article covers the important topic of the sustainable development of the city’s natural system on the example of town Świdnik, SE Poland. In complexes of the space usage, using the Braun-Blanquet method from 1964, were made 248 floristic censuses. Studies have shown that the largest part of the study area is occupied by synanthropic of association habitats (ruderal and segetal). The greatest floristic and phytoso - ciological diversity was observed in the indu - stry and transport complex. In the multi-family large-panel complex, which can be described as a phytosociological poverty complex, the num - ber of species is the lowest. Research has shown that the Świdnik area is poor in valuable and rare plant species, which is significantly influenced by the transformation of the natural environment in favour of technical elements. The most valu - able phytocoenosis patches found in the areas are those from the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and Artemisietea vulgaris classes which create co - lourful carpets, attractive from both the visual and environmental point of view as they constitute a useful base for pollinators. Subsequently, the results of research were compared with the cur - rently applicable legal documents on them (local, voivodship, national). The research allows to indi - cate the conflicts in shaping the cultural landscape and allows to formulate suggestions for the future strategy of supporting the existing heterogeneous ecological system of the city.


Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
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