Relìktova cenopopulâcìâ Ulmus globra Huds. u Pokuts'kih Karpatah (The relict population Ulmus glabra Huds. in Pokuttya Carpathian Mountains)


In the area of Kosów forestry in the Pokuttya Carpathians, a population of Ulmus glabra with 15 trees, about 100 years old, was found, which survived the epidemic of "Dutch disease" in the last century. Under a tent made of large trees, young elms were restored to an area of about 1 hectare. A unique population, not recorded in the current taxonomic descriptions of the enterprise, was formed on the southern slope of a forest stream in a deep ravine occupied by phytocoenoses of three forest vegetation communities that change as they move away from the water surface - Stellario nemorum-Alnetum glutinosae, Ulmo glabrae-Aceretum pseudoplatani, Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum. Large specimens of Ulmus glabra survived only on the first terrace in the watercourse, creating another strip of black alder in the decline of ravine forests. There is a specific microclimate in the conditions of forest ravines and phytocoenoses of hygrophilous forest vegetation are formed. The discovery of the ancient Ulmus glabra in the Pokuttya Carpathians is an important scientific discovery that foresters can use to reproduce elm forests, and the seeds and the younger generation will serve as a reserve for genetic plantations to restore "Dutch disease" resistant forms of this species.


Petro Plichtyak
Petro Plichtyak
Myroslawa Soroka
Myroslawa Soroka
Andriy Onyskіv
Andriy Onyskіv
Naukovi Praci (Lisivniča Akademiâ Nauk Ukraini)
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