The effect of the application of diets with varied proportions of arginine and lysine on biochemical and antioxidant status in Turkeys


The aim of the study was to determine the effect of two proportions of arginine (95% and 105%) relative to lysine (lys), where lys con-tent in the diet is in accordance with nrc (1994) recommendations or 10% higher, on the metabolism, antioxidant status, and growth performance of turkeys. The experiment had a 2 x 2 factorial design with two levels of lys and arg. The diets with a low level of lys were according to the nrc (1994) requirements. in the diets with a high level of lys, the content of lys was increased by 10% relative to the low level lys. The two arg levels in the experimental diets were determined so as to provide 95% and 105% arg relative to the content of dietary lys. an increase in the amount of lys in the diet of turkeys by 10% relative to nrc nutritional recommendations (1994) was not shown to improve growth performance, but had beneficial effects on the metabolism and antioxidant status of the birds, as evidenced by the improvement of hepatic indices (reduction of asT and alT activity at 9th week of life) and renal indices (reduction of urea at 9th week of life and reduction of Tp and increase level of alb levels at 16th week of life), as well as an increase in the level of glutathione with strong antioxidant properties at 16th week of life. in comparison to the lower level of arg in the diet, an increase in the amount of this amino acid to 105% lys did not improve growth performance, metabolism, or antioxidant status. an arg level of 95% lys can be used in a diet for turkeys containing 10% more lys than the level recommended by the nrc (1994).


Paweł Konieczka
Paweł Konieczka
Dariusz Mikulski
Dariusz Mikulski
Jan Jankowski
Jan Jankowski
Annals of Animal Science
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