Phenology and production of pollen, nectar, and sugar in 1612 plant species from various environments


To predict the quantity and quality of food available to pollinators in variouslandscapes over time, it is necessary to collect detailed data on the pollen,nectar, and sugar production per unit area and the flowering phenology ofplants. Similar data are needed to estimate the contribution of plants to thefunctioning of food webs via the flow of energy and nutrients through thesoil–plant-nectar/pollen-consumer pathway. Current knowledge on this topicis fragmented. This database represents the first compilation of data on thevarious food resources produced by 1612 plant species belonging to 755 generaand 133 families, including crop plants and wild plants, annuals and peren-nials, animal- and wind-pollinated plants, and weeds and trees growing indifferent ecosystems under various environmental conditions. The data setconsists of 103 parameters related to the traits of plant species and geographi-cal and environmental factors, allowing for precise calculations of the amountsof nectar, pollen, and energy provided by plants and available to consumers inthe considered flora or ecosystem on a daily basis throughout the year. Theseparameters, gathered by us and extracted from the available literature,describe pollen, nectar, and sugar production (where applicable, in mass,volume, and concentration units), honey yield, the timing and duration offlowering, flower longevity, number of plants and flowers per unit area,weather conditions (temperature and precipitation), geographical location,landscape, and syntaxonomy. The data were obtained from various, mostlyEuropean, pedoclimatic zones, and the majority of the data were available forplant species and communities present in Central Europe, especially inPoland, where research on floral resources has a long tradition. These data arerepresentative of the whole continent and may be used as a reference for plantcommunities occurring on continents other than Europe since the databaseallows for the consideration of differences in the production of resources by asingle plant species growing in different communities. This data set provides aunique opportunity to test hypotheses related to the functioning of food webs,nutrient cycling, plant ecology, and pollinator ecology and conservation.


Michał Filipiak
Michał Filipiak
Aleksandra Walczyńska
Aleksandra Walczyńska
Theodora Petanidou
Theodora Petanidou
Elżbieta Ziółkowska
Elżbieta Ziółkowska
otwarte czasopismo
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