Comparison of NDVI, NDRE, MSAVI and NDSI Indices for early diagnosis of crop problems


In precision agriculture, it is possible to use satellite monitoring of fields. Satellite monitoring systems allow you to get free images with a resolution of up to 10 m per pixel, which is sufficient to determine the state of vegetation of plants on such indicators as the normalized vege-tation index NDVI. However, the NDVI indicator already indicates the existing problems of correction which will not help to restore the lost yield of crops, but only helps to prevent further losses. Using the NDSI soil salinity index, it is possible to determine the difference in its prop-erties from spectral images. Also, you can study the vegetation of plants in the early stages of their development, in fact immediately after ger-mination. Soil-adjusted vegetation index, such as MSAVI, is used for this purpose. Studies indicate the possibility of using NDSI and MSAVI indicators for early diagnosis of confirmed crops NDVI and NDRE (in-dicating chlorophyll activity in plants) at later stages of their develop-ment. Studies conducted on soybean, spring barley and maize crops sown in the spring of 2021 indicate a correspondence between raster field maps show-ing the above indices made from March to July. Sta-tistical analysis of raster images of field maps using specialized soft-ware showed a correlation between NDSI and MSAVI in March and May, respectively, with NDVI and NDRE indexes in June and July. Therefore, it is possible to judge the expediency of using NDSI and MSAVI indicators for early diagnosis of possible problems with plant vegetation, as well as for the creation of maps of differential fertiliza-tion


Andrii Voitik
Andrii Voitik
Vasyl Kravchenko
Vasyl Kravchenko
Olexandr Pushka
Olexandr Pushka
Tetyana Kutkovetska
Tetyana Kutkovetska
Taras Shchur
Taras Shchur
Agricultural Engineering
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