In this study, novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were found in the 50-regulatoryregions (promoters) of the bovine glucose transporter (GT) genesSLC2A12andSLC5A1.These polymorphisms were shown to associate with certain milk production traits in HFcows, including milk yield, milk composition, and somatic cell count. It was shown that theSNP g.-671C>G (NC_037336.1: g.72224078C>G) in theSLC2A12gene could be an effectivemarker of cattle production traits and that genotypes CC and CG are associated with thebest productivity. The polymorphisms found in theSLC5A1gene promoter also influencedmilk production traits in HF cows, albeit to a lesser extent, and we propose that these poly-morphisms could be useful as genetic markers for milk production traits in marker-assistedselection (MAS); however, this must be confirmed on larger populations of cattle. In add-ition, the presence of polymorphisms within promoter regions appears to affect the expres-sion of GT genes in the cow mammary gland and modify transcription factor (TF)binding capacity.