Analysis of transport conditions for frozen food on the way from the shop to home


The transport of temperature sensitive products takes place under special conditions defined by specific agreements and international standards. The only exception to this rule is consumer transport. This transport is carried out by the consumer and takes place on the way home from the shop. The study examined consumers' awareness of the consumer transport of frozen food and analysed this type of transport in terms of the continuity of the cold chain. Such situation affects the deterioration of frozen food quality especially in case of its later storage in the home freezer. It was found that the average distance that customers cover from shop to home was 4.98 km. They usually used a car and covered this distance in an average of 12.85 minutes. During the summer months, this time is sufficient to partially thaw a package of frozen vegetables. Only 33% of the respondents used insulated bags to protect frozen food on the way home. When analysing the transport of frozen raw material carried out by consumers in real conditions, the use of insulated bags was found to be justified. These bags are able to keep the temperature of the packed raw material below -5°C. It was found that the legal imposition of the necessity to use such bags or the introduction by the manufacturer of frozen food of appropriate packaging protecting the food against transport at inappropriate temperatures in the summer months is necessary


Transport and Telecommunication Journal
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CC BY-NC-ND Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 4.0
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