Divergences between serum C-reactive protein and ferritin concentrations in canine pyometra


The main aim of this report was to investigate and compare the response of serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and ferritin, two positive acute phase proteins (APPs) which usually show an increase in inflammatory processes, in dogs with pyometra. For this purpose, two different studies were made. In the first one , both proteins were measured together in an APPs profile in 25 dogs with pyometra, 25 dogs with pancreatitis (as an example of a positive inflammatory control group), and in 25 healthy dogs. In the second study, to advance the knowledge of the changes and evolution of serum ferritin and CRP in dogs with pyometra after treatment, the concentrations of both APPs were analyzed in 30 dogs with pyometra at diagnosis and after ovariohysterectomy and in 10 clinically healthy female dogs before and after elective spaying. In both studies, bitches with pyometra showed significant increases in serum CRP, indicating an inflammatory condition, but not in serum ferritin despite being a moderate positive APP. This divergence between the dynamics of these APPs could be a useful tool for the suspicion of cases of canine pyometra.


Jose Ceron
Jose Ceron
Pardo-Marin Luis
Pardo-Marin Luis
Zoia Andrea
Zoia Andrea
Wochnik Marco
Wochnik Marco
Fernando Tecles
Fernando Tecles
Martinez-Subiela Silvia
Martinez-Subiela Silvia
Tvarijonaviciute Asta
Tvarijonaviciute Asta
BMC Veterinary Research
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