The aim of this study was to assess the quality and characterise a selection of honey varieties with the use of physico-chemical, FTIR, and chemometric analysis. The research material consisted of monofloral nectar honeys of 5 distinctvarieties: black locust, raspberry, oilseed rape, linden, and buckwheat. The contents of water, soluble solids, 5-hydroxy-methylfurfural, free acidity, pH, electrical conductivity, and water activity were measured. Infrared spectra were meas-ured within the spectra range from 3700 to 780 cm1. The obtained results from the FTIR measurements for selectedhoneys showed the greatest changes in the area of the band maxima: 3333, 1641, 1453, 1248, 1184, 1033, and985 cm1. The identification of the origin and chemometric analyses were provided for the spectral regions with themaxima at approximately 3333 and 1641 cm1(vibrations from water fractions), 2935 and 2885 cm1(symmetrical andasymmetrical vibrations of the -CH2and -CH3groups), as well as the fingerprint region where varying intensities of thecharacteristic bands were observed. Chemometric analysis of the FTIR spectra confirmed the high quality of the ana-lysed honey varieties as well as the differences also in their sugar fractions. The results obtained after employing PCAin the spectroscopic analysis of infrared spectra evidence high applicability of the methods of multi-dimensional statisticalanalysis in the determination of discrepancies, similarities, and structural characteristics of any given type of honey. Acatalogue of FTIR spectra can be created to allow fast and cost-effective identification of honeys, compared to trad-itional methods