A study of the filter properties of soils in relation to water and air in the manor park in Kozłówka in the Lublin
Province was carried out. The natural soils of the area are represented mainly by black soils formed from loamy
sand. The soils of the park show significant differences from the natural soil cover, as they have been subjected to
radical anthropogenic impacts as a result of various works associated with the construction and redevelopment of
the palace buildings and the change of land use. As a result, there are now soils within the park that are classified
as Anthrosols or Technosols. In all the studied pedons, the natural genetic horizons were obliterated, in some lay-
ers there was a change in the texture. The positive effect of anthropogenisation was mainly manifested in the high
organic carbon content of the surface layer of all pedons. To analyse the filter properties of the soils, samples of
preserved structure were taken from layers 0–10 cm, 20–30 cm and 40–50 cm into standard cylinders. The follow-
ing properties were determined: the water filtration coefficient in the saturated zone (Ks); the water permeability;
the air permeability at water potential states in the range -0.98 kPa to -49.00 kPa; the full water capacity and the
air capacity. Considering the area of the entire park, it must be said that the filtration properties showed high levels
in relation to both water and air. The water permeability was characterised by very high values. Also for air per-
meability in the field water capacity condition, very high and high values predominated. Particularly high values
of this trait were found in the surface layer, rich in organic carbon. The presence of construction debris in large
quantities in Urbic Technosols had the effect of reducing air permeability. The results obtained from the study of
the filtering properties of the soils of the manor park in Kozłówka can provide an essential source of information
which is the basis for undertaking possible recultivation and care works, which are necessary for the conscious
shaping of the park establishment.