How do educational boards in urban and suburban forests attract the attention of forest users and influence them in the process of understanding nature? (W jaki sposób tablice edukacyjne w lasach przyciągają uwagę użytkowników lasów i angażują ich w proces rozumienia przyrody?)


Forming the right ecological attitudes in people towards the surrounding nature is one of the more difficult challenges posed for social informal and formal education. The process of educating the public should take place at every stage of knowledge acquisition and numerous studies have shown that education in natural areas brings much better results when compared to traditional indoor classes. The purpose of the study was to determine how educational boards, which are believed to support informal environmental education activities, located on an educational path in the forest attract the attention of forest users and engage them in the process of understanding nature. The study used the method of non−intrusive observation of forest users and their inter− action with 10 educational boards along a path. A total of 881 people were observed. A one−way ANOVA test was used to analyze the data, in addition, differences in the ARR index of indi− vidual boards were tested using Scheffe’s post−hoc test. The results of the study indicate that educational boards with the least amount of text are the most frequently read by forest users. Interactive educational boards achieve the highest retention rate for people’s attention as they engage many more senses in the process of informal environmental education. The results pre− sented in the paper clearly indicate the need to change the design of educational infrastructure elements in order to educate more effectively.


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