The aim of this study is to clarify the importance of vitamin E in pig nutrition. Vitamin E has many important functions in the body especially at the cellular level. It is responsible for regulation of DNA synthesis and expression of genes related to lipid metabolism and cholesterol transport. It stabilizes cell membranes, influencing their integrity, inhibits lipid peroxidation pro-cesses, and plays a role in the efficient functioning of the immune system. It has been shown to be responsible for enhancing both cellular and humoral immune responses, increasing lymphocyte proliferation, immunoglobulin action or NK cell activity. The immunostimulatory effect of vitamin E, increases immunity against certain pathogens, including Streptococcus pneumoniae type 1 and influenza virus. In addition, vitamin E supplementation shows potential in enhancing resistance to intestinal disease in newborn pigs caused, among others, by E. colibacteria, which contribute to increased piglet mortality before weaning.