Static magnetic fields as a factor in modification of tissue and cell structure: a review


This review is intended to contribute to the evidence of the effects of static magnetic field on cells and tissue, as well as to present research results that will elucidate the complex matters involved in the formation and remodeling of cells. The cell characteristics studied in the papers that are reviewed include cell viability and proliferation, aggregation and their differentiation, structure and membrane potential. A moderate static magnetic field in the most commonly used range of 2-80 mT has potential application in the formation and remodeling of plant and human cells. However, in the case of cancer cells, the range of fields commonly used was 0.2-9 T. Magnetism promotes changes in plant cell growth, which prompts the cell to proliferate, thereby ensuring an increased rate of biomass production. Some researches presented the enhancement of the differentiation of plant cells and skeletal muscle tissue by over 30% at 80 mT static magnetic field. Changes in the cell cycle and growth reflect directly on the cell number and viability and provide useful information to detect modifications in the cell machinery. Static magnetic field, depending on its intensity, enhances cell proliferation and thus may improve, among other processes, tissue regeneration, wound healing and the inhibition of cancer cell proliferation. Researchers showed, among other things, that cells under the influence of static magnetic field changed their shape, had a larger chloroplast, stiffer cell wall, density of the cytoskeleton and cytoplasm contained several mitochondria. Numerous studies also discussed the behavior of the cell membrane of plant and animal organisms, including humans, under the influence of an static magnetic field. The effects of static magnetic field on the cell membrane of plant and human cells were similar. The research results indicate that static magnetic fields can significantly change membrane depolarization and its potential that regulates ion movement and thus can have a significant impact on the properties and biological functionality of the cell. Studies have shown that continuous application of static magnetic field caused deformation and damage of cell membrane. Based on the theoretical analyses presented also in this review, it can be concluded that static magnetic field affects cells and tissue, giving them changes in properties and behaviors and modulates, e.g. in the activity of ion channels. Thus it may produce effects leading to changes in the functioning of the cell. It is possible to formulate directions for further research aimed at using static magnetic fields for the non-invasive remodeling and formation of plant and human cells.


Bogdan Saletnik
Bogdan Saletnik
Anna Puchalska-Sarna
Anna Puchalska-Sarna
Aneta Saletnik
Aneta Saletnik
Czesław Puchalski
Czesław Puchalski
International Agrophysics
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